Childbirth Time Machine

Did you know time-walking is possible? I assure you it must be because I experienced it first-hand spending a day in a labor and delivery unit recently.

Why did I perceive a disturbance in the timeline?

  • Admission to the unit when in early labor.
  • Epidural placement prior to active labor.
  • Labor induction without medical reason before 39 weeks.
  • Allowing only “clears” (only broth, ice chips, popsicles, gelatin) during an induction or after epidural placement.
  • High primary and repeat cesarean rates.
  • Additional Interventions because of the above practices.

The most frustrating thing of all is that no one seemed to be bothered by how anti-evidence or anti-standard of care this all is.

I’ve attended more than 100 hospital births and many hundreds of homebirths; I’m absolutely gobsmacked by the laissez faire attitude toward the common usage of outdated practices and the absence of evidence-supported healthy practices.

Evidence shows how each of these practices increases interventions, maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. NO WONDER THE US ranks so poorly amongst all of the developed nations of the world.

NO WONDER women exhibit high rates of fear surrounding childbirth. What women are routinely experiencing in labor and delivery units is scary, trauma-producing, and increases poorer outcomes. It doesn’t resemble or imitate physiologic spontaneous birth and how positive it can be.

The fact that most women still can have vaginal births in the hospital is a TESTIMONY of how fantastically designed women and babies are, not that the interventions and practices are beneficial to most.

Drop me a comment or email. I would love to hear about your experiences.

TO lighten the mood. Cord cutting to start the newborn exam at a homebirth.

Day 155 Nursing School Diary

It’s day 155 of nursing school. Accelerated nursing school is a daily adventure. The volume of information is education by a firehouse. The labs and simulations feel weird and awkward. The clinical rotations delve into the unknown. However, all of those things are the expected norm.

Since returning from the break between the first and second semesters, life outside school is challenging. Loneliness and isolation have set in, accompanied by anxiety and intermittent feelings of depression.

My school experience is somewhat unique. I’m more than 15 years older than all the students in my cohort, leaving me lacking in an age-appropriate peer group. Although I get along well with my classmates as one of the group, the differences exist.

Living away from my family also adds stress to the situation. I have an apartment local to the university and go home as I’m able. Alternately, my husband visits regularly to take the pressure off me. Even though we video chat daily, being on my own is difficult. Thankfully, my cat Butterscotch is along for the ride, taking the edge off.

I’m an introvert who gets exhausted by groups and is prone to overstimulation. I’m also a person who values intimate social interaction. Spending so many hours alone without personal socialization is a detriment.

To keep this post from being a whiny “woe is me” rant, I’ve devised a plan of action to improve my experience and mental wellness.  

Action Plan

  • Contacting my therapist for a check-in/reset appointment.
  • Inviting others to join me hiking on days off from class and clinicals.
  • Reaching out to friends in the area and making plans.
  • Performing self-care.
  • Accepting this is the reality for another 5.5 months and knowing it will be worth it.  

Expectations vs. Reality

Nursing school is a ride expected to be a fast, furious, challenging, and brain cramming experience. It is all that and so much more. I freely admit tears and anxiety rule some evening study sessions.

What I didn’t expect.

My group of 30-odd people is unexpectedly funny, supportive, and accepting. I am not the typical age of a student entering a nursing program. I’m pretty sure I am old enough to be the mother of every other student. Yet, never once have I felt ageism rear its ugly head. Although I have stories from clinical days directly related to my age, those are stories for another day.

NCLEX-style questions are absolute mind-benders compared to common test questions. I should’ve investigated and practiced tests before beginning nursing school. Being a “good student” isn’t enough to translate facts to the all too often torturous variety the NCLEX-style offers. I challenge you to do a web search on your own and let me know what you think about the questions you find.

Finally, I didn’t realize how this process deepens my passion and love for community-based care and working within a community of peers. Every day, clinical hour, and new nugget of information is a vehicle for future application in my practice.

I’m fired up!

I hope I get off this ride in December intact, joy-filled, and ready to take on the credentialing exam.